We DO NOT accept Postal mails. All postal mails sent to our PO Box address are rejected.
How does Whois Identity Protection Work?

We place our information in public whois so that your information is stay private.
We protect your valid mail and emails from spammers and scammers.

Our contact information is made public in the
WHOIS directory - not yours.

Compare Whois With & Without Whois Protection.

We provide contact form
to let people contact you via web with capthca so spammer will not go through, and spammer cannot send directly to your email address.

Protect.ID will protect your identity
And only reveal it in special situations.

over your domain and can cancel, sell, or renew your domain and do anything to your own domain.

Why choose PROTECT.ID?

Our service was born from consumer demand,
since many Internet users didn't want their personal information
available for everyone to see in the Whois directory.

How to Buy Privacy Protection?

Whois Privacy protection can be obtained as an addon
to domains registered at our partner registrars.